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Academia Tierra

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Descubre el concepto revolucionario de los derechos de la naturaleza
Voces por la Tierra
Se parte de la primera generación del nuestro programa VOCES POR LA TIERRA. Se una vocera o vocero por la tierra, parte de la red de accionistas...
7 Conferencias
Huella Sostenible
4 total hours
Todas las actividades humanas generan algún tipo de contaminación que afecta el ambiente y a todos los seres vivos que lo habitan. Los residuos se ...
4 total hours
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Que dicen nuestros estudiantes

The response to your MasterStudy has been really overwhelming! Those who participated in the workshop are spreading the word here on
campus and the “buzz” is on. The VP of Instruction wants you to come back! Her goal is to have more faculty trained. She also wants to
attend a workshop herself. Our President told me Masterstudy needs to be the cornerstone of our success program.

I was drawn to the fully online BA course because I have been living abroad for two years and needed a course that I could trust, would
provide great instruction, and would allow me the flexibility to learn on my own time while living and working full-time on another
continent. My instruction has been great, my professors have been amazingly helpful, and I’ve enjoyed working with my classmates on
group projects. Even though it’s not a traditional classroom attendance, the courses are laid out in such a way that I am able to apply my
newly learned knowledge to real-life situations.

The BA and Strategic Marketing have provided me with a way of thinking that is unparalleled to that of other courses. Through my
understanding of data, I am able to better visualize business problems, provide solutions, and have confidence in those solutions primarily
through my understanding of data.

Aprende de los Mejores

Todas nuestras certificaciones son impartidos por instructores experimentados y calificados con títulos de doctorado y maestría.

Establezca su propio ritmo de aprendizaje

Si eres un padre o un profesional ocupado y tienes poco tiempo para cursos durante el horario laboral, puedes encontrar un programa en línea o híbrido que se adapte a tu horario. ¿No es fantástico?

Evaluación intuitiva y dinamica

Obtén tu título en un abrir y cerrar de ojos y comienza a escribir tu historia de éxito ahora.

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